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Valentine's Day 2024

By Mike Goot

Atención, June, 2013


Rhonda Lerner has been an enthusiastic, full-time resident of San Miguel for twelve years…except for the year she and her husband Albert traveled throughout the Far East, where she discovered that all maps are not created equal. Many contained outdated information and misspelled street names. Some were not to scale. Some featured streets that didn’t exist or totally ignored streets that clearly did exist. And some flat-out got her lost. But those rare, carefully constructed, well-annotated maps she found were a traveler’s godsend and inspired Rhonda, upon her return, to look at all the many maps of San Miguel with a newly critical eye.


And guess what? Where others of us just see little intersecting lines and G-4 or A-6 coordinates, Rhonda, who just happens to have a degree in cartography (mapmaking), saw a huge opportunity…to make a valuable contribution to her adopted home. She decided to make a map of her own, the kind of map she would use and trust and recommend to friends. 800 hours, ten months and four pairs of comfortable walking shoes later, Rhonda has explored and recorded virtually every nook and cranny of our fair town and faithfully entered that hard-earned geographic knowledge into her trusty Mac. The carefully drawn, insider-knowledge-rich, proofed-and-reproofed result? Rhonda’s Centro Histórico Guide & Street Map of San Miguel de Allende is now here! 

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